Mattress Cleaning
Providing You with Safe, All-Natural Mattress Cleaning Services for Homes, Hotels and Businesses

At Power Vac, we’re not interested in being the largest company of this kind in Michigan, we’re committed to being the very best.
That’s why Power Vac has been a trusted name in cleaning services for more than 20 years. Our family-owned operation works with the industry’s best equipment and certified professionals. Our uniformed staff members are able to provide you with safe, naturally cleaned mattress services for homes, hotels and businesses. When the people in the Michigan communities of Auburn Hills, Novi, Livonia, Canton, St. Clair Shores, Ann Arbor, and the surrounding Southeast Michigan cities call Power Vac, they know we will provide a thorough, safe mattress cleaning process that allows them a restful dust and mite-free sleep.
Dust Mites
Dust mite removal is an important part of any mattress cleaning because they are the top cause of dust allergies and asthma in children.
Sometimes referred to as bed mites, these tiny creatures live and breed easily in temperatures above 70 degrees. Unfortunately, that is a common mark in most homes and hotels year-round. Their particles are regularly found in mattresses and on pillows and can float around the room when vacuum cleaners are running. Even the cleanest rooms and beds can have dust mites because they are too small to be seen by the naked eye and are resistant to regular cleaning products.
Effective dust mite removal generally requires the type of professional services offered by Power Vac.
There is no avoiding mold because it lives everywhere.
Much of it is so tiny that we cannot see it. Mold is a particular issue in mattresses because we breathe it and its spores in while sleeping. Like mites, mold can have serious negative effects on our health and the health of our children.
This is another good reason to have mattresses properly cleaned twice per year.
The Power Vac Process
Power Vac provides an effective, efficient mattress cleaning system using a patented machine that produces high frequency waves and suction to loosen and remove allergy causing mites, mold and dust. We direct UVC rays, the strongest ultraviolet ray, at bacteria, viruses and spores that become embedded in mattresses, removing them and we then complete the process by applying a chemical-free, nontoxic agent to keep it clean. This treatment has proven to be effective in both residential and commercial mattresses. At Power Vac, we value communication and that is why our uniformed professionals take the time to explain the cleaning process, how it works, and highlight our high mattress cleaning standards.
Power Vac has been voted one of Michigan’s most trusted companies based on more than two decades of excellent service in the cleaning industry. We offer a 90-day guarantee and can schedule an appointment with you Monday through Saturday. Contact us today to find out why Power Vac has thousands of satisfied customers.